
16 Dec 2017


 Along with photographs of me with my First book Of The Year and Buzz, our great nephews' pet rabbit, JANUARY saw me sharing my thoughts, albeit from 'across the pond', with the Arkansas Book Club who had been reading one of my favourite reads of 2012, Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children.

Not so much a selection of tales as what I thought of as a stroll through someone's dreams, FEBRUARY found me reading a book that, despite a more flowery prose than I'm used to, I lost myselA post not by myself but by Mr T. 

Alas, MARCH  sadly saw an interruption in services as I lay rather unwell in hospital.

Yes! APRIL saw me back and services resumed though, for a brief period, not nearly as often as they had been.

Probably my favourite author when it comes to historical fiction, as promised MAY saw me publish a list of the works of Philippa Gregory.

Who would have thought I'd feel such turmoil over the potential fate of a snail? Readable on so many levels, I also loved the cover of June's first post of the month.

Not only a wonderful theme tune, if you enjoy gritty dramas you could well do worse than watch Broken with Sean Bean as a Catholic Priest as featured on my first post of July.

Way behind with my reading and posting of reviews but its not all bad news ... The beginning of August saw my posting the second book in the Wolves Of Mercy Chase series, Linger, and, hurrah, my TBR mountain 15 books shorter.

A story of suspense and abuse within the walls of a hospital for the mentally ill. September 1st saw me review Asylum, a book which made One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest's Nurse Ratched look like a pussy cat.

On being a 'Tracy' of below average height who is able to command £53,926,72 (that's $69,762 to my friends across the pond) .... the first post of October saw me discussing why one inch made all the difference between me and being mediocre a good bed warmer or professional queuer upper.

With its outstanding book trailer, it was my honour to share my thoughts on the latest book from Stephanie Robinson and Jessica Haight, Fairday Morrow And The Talking Library, this November afternoon.

Part two and three of what proved to be a wonderful trilogy. December saw me post a double review of the last two books in the Clockwork Dark series by J.C. Bemis, The Wolf Tree and The White City.

And now for a quick update ...

As you may have noticed I've not posted anything on Pen and Paper since the beginning of the month much less visited any of your blogs. Unfortunately Mr T was taken seriously unwell and underwent emergency surgery. Thankfully recovering well (he's bored which is always a positive sign), I hope to have him home soon.

Apologies to those authors whose books I have received and read but have yet to post my thoughts on. Likewise to those who have sent me books that I have yet to read. I made the decision not to do so as it seemed a disservice to read/review a book whilst my mind was on other things.

I hope to publish several reviews over the rest of December. Apologies if I don't get around to visiting you all, if I may I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best this Yuletide.


  1. Sounds like you've have a dramatic year peppered with some good books. I'm really sorry to hear that your husband has been so unwell, but glad that he's improving. I hope he's home for Christmas!

  2. Greetings. Sorry your partner found himself unwell - glad he is recovering. Blessings to you.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  3. I was just going to email you today since I'd seen nothing here in so long! I hate to hear that Mr. T had to have surgery, but glad to know he's on the mend and, like Joey, hope he'll be home by Christmas.

    I did enjoy your clever year end wrap-up. Also look forward to seeing what you've read.

    Merry Christmas to the both of you!

  4. Tracy,
    I am truly sorry that Mr.T. became
    unwell and had to undergo emergency
    surgery. I hope that his recovery
    continues to go well, and I, too hope
    that he will be home for Christmas.
    And I enjoyed your overview of the
    first posts of each month of this
    year very much.


  5. This is a neat way to review your year. Time seems to have gone by very fast. Happy Christmas season to you Tracy!

  6. Nice wrap-up, Tracy. Sorry to hear about Mr. T's surgery but happy to hear he's on the mend. I wish you both a 2018 filled with good health and good books.

  7. Thank you for so many excellent reviews this year Tracy. I always trust your judgement and have enjoyed several books I may otherwise have missed.
    I was really sorry to read about your husband’s illness first on Facebook and now on your blog and hope he will soon be fully recovered.
    I will be taking a blogging break in the New Year but hope to be back to catch up on all your reviews in the spring.
    I hope you have a happy and peaceful Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Barbara

  8. Tracy, I'm glad that Mr. T is feeling better! I enjoyed reading your First Lines. I hope to post mine before the end of December. Have a wonderful

  9. I haven't been visiting your blog in years! What! Good to hear that everything is going well with Mr. T. I hope you take it easy aswell! Hope your week is going to be great one!

  10. I'm sorry to hear about your husband but yes, boredom is a good sign lol

    Have a happy and healthy holiday Tracey!

    For What It's Worth

  11. Hope Mr. T is continuing to do well. Sounds like you have been busy!

    Loved seeing your recap of the last year and your lovely thoughts on Fairday Morrow and the Talking Library. Thanks so much for sharing.

    Wishing you the happiest of holidays and a healthy and happy 2018. :)


Ah wish te thank each an everyone of yee fre yer keind words. It's canny te see yee an ah hope you'll visit agyen. Divvent leave it tee long, will ye?